Be mindful that gifts to your community - through volunteer service, funds, and kindnesses - weave the fabric of safety and support for all.

Charitable Causes
Dr. Laura Farmer has a diverse array of community service involvement including presentations and workshops for Girls Rock Roanoke, Diversity Camp Inc., non-profit fundraisers, and other charitable causes. In 2015, she received the SAIGE Service Award, a national recognition from the Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities for her research on affirmative counseling and service to support LGBTQ+ youth. She was also honored with the Dr. Judy Lewis Counselors for Social Justice Award, given by the American Counseling Association in 2019.
Laura devotes a significant portion of her volunteer time as founder, organizer, and facilitator of Youth SAGA (Sexuality And Gender Alliance) of Roanoke. The mission of Youth SAGA of Roanoke is to support, educate, empower, and advocate for youth ages 12-18 with diverse identities across sexuality and gender in the Roanoke Valley and surrounding areas. Youth SAGA is a peer-based support group that provides a safe and supportive meeting space, co-facilitated by professional volunteers, to engage in dialogue around issues of interest affecting the lives of youth.

Show your Support
Follow our Youth SAGA Facebook page or Instagram @sagaroanoke for event updates.
Youth SAGA of Roanoke is a program affiliated with Diversity Camp Inc. Diversity Camp Inc. is an all-inclusive LGBTQ+ Summer Camp with year-round programming to help youth stay connected and supported. Diversity Camp Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
We welcome donations to Youth SAGA of Roanoke!
Please specify in the note section: For Youth SAGA.