Through private consultation & integrated workshops, I work with groups of all sizes to explore transformational development practices and ideas.

Private consultation & integrated workshops
I offer private consultation and workshops on Mental Health and Wellness, Leadership, Diversity and LGBTGEQ issues, supporting gender diverse students in schools (K-12 and post-secondary) and bringing new insight to groups, corporations, non-profits, and public agencies. I use movement to access intuitive wisdom, developing personalized movement rituals for healing, and tap into a variety of wellness and mental health topics and issues.
I integrate my knowledge of psychodynamic processes, Qoya-based movement, mindfulness, expressive arts, group dynamics, and counseling techniques to create a truly unique and empowering offering.

Laura’s passion for creating more inclusive communities for the LGBTQ+ community was clearly conveyed throughout the day. Her positive energy and sense of purpose were infectious. Quite simply put, Laura is an agent of change.
— Todd Stanley, LPC, Powell Resource Center Director And Director Of Counseling Services
Sample workshops
Cultivating Mindfulness for Mental Health and Wellness
This dynamic workshop includes a combination of lecture, dialogue, and experiential practice. The didactic presentation focuses on mindfulness history, basic concepts, neuroscientific benefits, and practical implications for the specific work setting. Participants will experience mindfulness through breath meditation, loving-kindness meditation, walking meditation, and other experiential practices to illustrate concepts.
Feminine Leadership: A New Paradigm in the Workplace
This enlightening and interactive presentation explores concepts of feminine leadership in the context of the predominate work cultures’ preference toward masculine approaches. Leadership is examined through the lens of feminine and masculine styles yet distinguished from actual gender embodiment. Participants will learn ways to embody feminine leadership principles and engage in experiential practices designed to enhance intuitive wisdom. Experiential activities will empower participants to apply feminine leadership concepts to their workplace challenges immediately, with fresh perspective and new insights.
Gender and Sexual/Affectional Diversity: Best Practices for an Affirming Climate
With growing diversity in our culture, there is an increased demand for affirmative and caring practices in the workplace. This workshop provides education about sexual, affectional, and gender diversity and examines best practices for individualized work settings. Participants will engage in activities to learn about various identities, practice affirming language and ways of responding, and challenge misguided assumptions that may lead to problematic behaviors.

Laura is fantastic. She created an incredible agenda that was so congruent with the hopes and values of our organization. Our retreat was a great mixture of experiential movement, verbal processing, and goal setting.
— Christine Dennis Smith, LCSW, Co-Director Of The Women's Center At Virginia Tech