Remember, you are the author of your own life story.
I am honored to serve as a supportive guide along your path.
“Dr. Laura Farmer is a dynamic, compassionate, intuitive, and supportive professional who empowered me in so many ways. After decades of journaling, I was lost in a labyrinth of words and locked into the confines of repeated stories. We explored unique combinations of creative modalities including Qoya, Psych-K, talk therapy, sand tray therapy, and continued journaling as part of my healing journey. Over our time together, I could finally bring the awareness and understanding to experiences I wrote about for years and years, and importantly understand myself in ways I’ve yearned to know. I’m finding freedom in self-expression, true healing, and real love, all guided by an inner compass that is strong and true to my essence."
— Anna
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support. Working with you reminded me of my true desires and dreams—to be a wanderer, traveling the world and living abundantly abroad, a woman who lovingly embraces her body with kindness and respect, and a soul who trusts deeply in the divine flow. I feel the universe knew you were the right therapist to help me shed my outdated beliefs about my body and worth, and move courageously into the future."
— R
“Few things are more stressful than finding a mental health counselor for your son or daughter. I was lucky enough to find Dr. Laura through a trusted friend. I was looking for someone to help my daughter navigate the challenges of early adulthood (college, etc.) and her own lifelong struggle with anxiety. My daughter went on to see Dr. Laura for several years and benefited enormously from their time together. I was struck early on by Dr. Laura’s holistic approach--she truly understands and addresses the mind-body connection—and her ability to choose from a deep bench of tools to meet the individual client's needs. Today, my daughter is a thriving young adult with a keen understanding of her life goals, her values, and what she wants from work and love. I will always be grateful to Dr. Laura for her healing, steadfast, and wise counsel.”
— Ruth
“The work I have done with Laura these past 3 years have delivered my life to an entirely new place. The trauma work we undertook with EMDR therapy shifted a decades-old devasting trauma to simply an experience that happened. Every day I live with a sense of relief at having found a new location for that old story. But that old event wasn't even what brought me to counseling! I came to write the narrative of my life today in the most openhearted, clear, and joyful way possible. In the face of some hard realities, Laura helped me do just that. I come to the end of our time together at peace with my life and lighter of heart in the world.”
— Jennifer
Qoya Testimonials
“The first time I tried Qoya with Laura, it was such an eye opening experience - I was gaining something I didn’t even know I needed. The most amazing part of it is it continues to provide that same experience each time I join with others in the circle. I always experience a sense of clarity, connection, and wholeness that I haven’t experienced anywhere else. It’s a gentle ‘welcome home’ to my authentic and true self.”
— Molly
“I've taken many Qoya classes from Laura Farmer. In each one I've received a healing. She has a way of supporting you while your heart is breaking wide open. Laura's Qoya movement practice always provides a positive shift in my being quicker than any other modality I've been a part of. Laura's choice of music adds an extra layer of goodness to this practice. 5 stars!”
— Beth
“There’s a part of me that wants to avoid ‘all the feels’, but when I choose to say yes to Qoya…there’s an opportunity for me to work within and through my feelings. And I know that movement helps me with that. The advice to “dance to remember my essence” has served me so well and I’m so grateful for that gift.”
— Janna
“Dear Laura, There is always a sense of coming home after I do Qoya with you. With today’s theme -it helped remind me that home is in your heart. The source of truth and my heart’s purpose is becoming revealed and more clear each day and you have been instrumental to that process so I thank you. As I was desperately seeking for clarity during today’s class, I have discovered that I can let go of trying to “know” and understand the answers and instead turn inward, trusting my heart’s lead to guide me in the right place. I feel more closely connected to my heart, myself, and others after our time together.”
— Cristin

By resolving self-limiting beliefs, stress, or conflicts in the subconscious, we open the door for a much wider range of possibilities in our lived experience.
PSYCH-K® Testimonials
“After years of counseling I found myself hung up on a few issues from my past. I decided to give Psych-K balances a try and I’m so glad that I did! It has helped me in ways talk therapy alone couldn’t. After just one session I was able to move past what was causing me to feel so stuck. The relief was so immediate that my only regret was waiting so long to do it. I’ve recommended this to my friends and told my Primary Care Physician about what a difference this has made so he could recommend it to his patients as well.”
— Amanda
“For years, on and off, I experienced unexplained nausea and stomach aches. For so long, I was popping tums nightly and keeping food diaries in order to see if I could find a pattern between my symptoms and any possible food intolerances. I also went to several doctors who ran tests, but it felt like no one could figure out the reason for my nausea. While skeptical at first, I was so miserable I was ready to try just about anything! All I can say is that after just 1 session of Psych-K, my nightly nausea began to vanish. I am so grateful to have found Dr. Farmer and it has been almost a year since I experienced any nightly nausea! This session has shown me that there really is a powerful connection between the mind and the body—and Psych-K is all about using this relationship to our advantage.”
— Sophie
“Working with Dr. Farmer using Psych-K along with traditional talk therapy has developed a kind of pathway through which my inner guidance system can ground me in the positive changes I seek for a quality life. After balancing for a goal statement, I feel stronger in my sense of self and experience less inner conflict as I encounter day-to-day life. I’m noticing greater awareness when it comes to my emotions, triggers, and thought processes, and when I encounter conflict, I operate from a place of more compassion and less in defense, blame, or guilt.”
— A
“I am very grateful for our session. I do believe that I am continuing to experience the changes in my thought process from our session still. It is almost like a mental check has been built into me - if a thought crops up that happens to be incongruent with trusting myself, I am now automatically challenging it and working against the other beliefs that do not align. It feels like when you delete or move a file from your computer in the registry key and later you click something that might pertain to it, the error message pops up to be resolved. Now I can choose to say that I don't want these other thoughts linked to the changed belief if they no longer align and serve me.”
— Jessica
“I wanted to let you know that I have been loving my body up a storm since our Psych K session. I have an overwhelming sense of peace, lightness and joy when it comes to my body. I feel strong and beautiful and free from the negative energy that was flowing through my body. Thank you for continuing to be such a light, guide and support in my life.”
— Katie
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