Making mindfulness accessible, relatable, and relevant for everyday living.

What stays, and what goes?
We can be active participants in creating the life we want moving forward.

Finding the pony
How can we “find the pony” in the current COVID-19 pandemic?

Hard decisions and intuitive wisdom
Full confession: For much of my life, I have felt plagued by indecisiveness.

Exploring movement as metaphor
There are two ways to contemplate life. One is as though nothing is a metaphor. The other is as though everything is a metaphor.

Parenting our inner child
How we parent our children is a reflection of how we parent our own inner-child.

Taking care of our hurt
What if more people took responsibility for healing their own hurt?

Power of intention
Exploring the power of intention in manifesting what you want.

Letting go of perfection
This one word can have a much stronger and long-lasting impact than many of the other words in our human vocabulary.